[VIDEO] Griffith Camera House: focused on the future with dye sublimation and ChromaLuxe

[VIDEO] Griffith Camera House: focused on the future with dye sublimation and ChromaLuxeAlways keen to offer its customers the latest in photographic printing options, Griffith Camera House recently embraced dye sublimation and incorporated ChromaLuxe photo panels into its diverse range of solution offerings.

We live in an age where more than 1.2 trillion photos are taken each and every year. But in the age of social sharing and cloud storage, most of these images will remain in the digital dungeons of our smart devices and PCs forever. As a photographic store, Griffith Camera House, has been materialising images into the physical world and onto various mediums for over 40 years and continues to embrace new forms of imaging and digital decoration.

Louise Miller chats to GJS about why Griffith Camera House added an Epson wide-format dye sublimation printer and ChromaLuxe panels to its workflow and products that it offers its customers and how these additions are proving to be popular and lucrative new revenue streams for the business.


Griffith Camera House is a photographic store. We have been well established here for over 40 years. We have quite a range of customers, everything from our locals, we have interstate travellers, we have local photographers that come in, and we have community groups that we help with their projects that they need completing.

Some of the top services we offer at Griffith Camera House include our printing, that can be anything from photographic canvas, fine art. We deal in services of repairs, restoration, transfers. We've also recently introduced our ChromaLuxe metal panels which we now print on our EPSON wide format printer, and we've found that a great addition to the services that we offer our customers.

Part of the reason we added the ChromaLuxe panels to our range is basically the 'WOW' factor. We find the customer comes in, and they're looking for their print to be printed out, and it gives such a high definition, a really glossy feel depending on the surface we pick, and its perfect for residential, commercial. Its very lightweight which makes it easier for hanging up, and it's great to look at.

Some of the other products that we're printing with our EPSON wide-format printer is phone covers, mouse pads, we have place-mats, t-shirts, trophies. There's a wide gamut of different areas that we can pick from that we find has opened up lots of other opportunities.

It's really important for us to have a diverse range of products. When the customer comes in looking for an idea of something to print we can customise to their needs, and that makes it a really special gift for them.

I'd strongly recommend other labs consider doing dye sublimation and partnering with both EPSON and ChromaLuxe for their panels. EPSON offer a dye sublimation printer that is an end-to-end solution, including the printer, hardware, and warranty. The ChromaLuxe panels add a lucrative addition to a photographic lab or professional print house. It's a great revenue raiser, it's an additional source of income, and it gives the customers offerings that they may not be currently seeing.

The best response that we get from a customer is that 'WOW' factor. When we unveil the print that we've done for them and they're looking to take it home and hang it on their wall.

  • Highlights
  • Customers can now have their images printed on modern, stylish, high-definition aluminium panels
  • Dye sublimation has added hundreds of products to the substrates available for customers to have their images placed on
  • Large format production dye sublimation solution
  • ChromaLuxe high-definition aluminium panels
  • Diversification of product offering has created new and lucrative revenue streams
Are you considering a wide format dye sublimation printing solution? GJS can help!

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GJS is Australia’s premier provider of solutions and services for the textile, promotional products, custom photo gift, sign and display industries. With over 46 years’ experience, GJS supplies everything needed to start and operate a successful printing business including equipment, consumables, training and support. Headquartered in Revesby, NSW, and with additional teams located in Victoria and Queensland, GJS serves customers throughout Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. For more information visit: gjs.co. GJS and the GJS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of GJS. Other names are trademarks of their respective owners.