Digital Factory Apparel RIP - Brother Edition Updated

Digital Factory Apparel Brother Edition. Specifically designed to leverage the advanced print capabilities of Brother DTG printers.

Digital Factory Apparel Brother Edition provides professional quality workflow and colour management tools. Designed specifically for Brother GTX pro direct to garment printers, this version of Digital Factory Apparel includes features that enhance colour reproduction and maximize productivity.

All Brother Edition software suites provide:

  • Custom printer drivers and colour profile packages for the Brother GTX pro series direct to garment printers

  • Spectacular Colour Reproduction - CADlink’s high-fidelity colour management engine provides the most vibrant, colour-accurate printing on white, coloured and black fabrics.
  • Industry-leading white ink management and automated underbase feature - Proper use of white ink is essential to printing images onto black or dark coloured fabrics. Advanced implementation of layer technology automatically creates an underbase layer that can be sent to a production queue directly from a design application.
  • Unmatched integration of black artwork elements into black garments - A pre-set queue function can automatically remove any black components from a design when printed on a black fabric. This creates highly attractive prints that make designs appear to literally “blend” into the fabric, (see also “plug-in” description below).
  • Seamless interface with design applications - No need to worry about the issues involved with exporting and importing files. Digital Factory Apparel uses “send to” technology direct from your favourite design applications, (Corel, Illustrator, Photoshop).
  • Complete, centralized job management - CADlink direct to garment RIP software features Visual Production Manager™, a simple, easy to use interface that manages multiple queues and multiple printers simultaneously.

  • Direct, in-RIP support of production plug-in’s - SuperSize Image (resolution increase for low resolution artwork); FluidMask (easy to use masking software ideal for removing unwanted backgrounds); “Knock-me-out-Black” and “Knock-me-out-Colour” (colour removal from artwork tools that allow graphics to “blend into” background garment colour)
  • Precision ink level controls - Provides the ability to optimize amount of ink placed on different fabrics. Contributes to cost savings and increases print quality.
  • CMYK and RGB file colour support ensures the widest range of process colours and true photographic-quality image printing - Conversion of colour spaces (RGB to CMYK) can create unwanted colour shifts. Since most apparel printers work with CMYK, Digital Factory Apparel is able to provide the most sought-after colour results in the market.
Please note that the appropriate direct-to-film driver for your printer will need to be purchased and installed to perform DTF printing with Digital Factory.


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Digital Factory Apparel RIP - Brother Edition - Brother DTG Edition
Brother DTG Edition
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Brother DTG Edition

Digital Factory v10 Apparel Brother Edition including Fluid Mask for the GTX pro

GJS Code: 172500

Manuf. Code: DF-1000-P-BRO

Shipping Weight: 0.29kg

Digital Factory Apparel RIP - Brother Edition - DTG Driver for GTX pro Bulk
DTG Driver for GTX pro Bulk
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Stock Availability is Loading
Digital Factory Apparel RIP - Brother Edition - DTF Driver for GTX
DTF Driver for GTX
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Stock Availability is Loading
Digital Factory Apparel RIP - Brother Edition - DTF Driver for GTX pro Bulk
DTF Driver for GTX pro Bulk
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Stock Availability is Loading



Thanks again for your help along the way Michael. I know it's an almost zero margin sale for you compared to decent sales, so I appreciate you treating it like a decent sale none the less. Very professional.

Dean, WF Plastics


Frank was awesome helping me set up my new printer through team view...helped me when i needed it and knew his stuff...Very happy as always with the team from GJS sydney.

Janelle @ J-Nells Soy Candles n Melts
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Digital Factory Apparel RIP - Brother Edition

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