Supplies From Fuijfilm Sericol Australia

Supplies From Fuijfilm Sericol Australia

Sericol (Fujifilm) Australia manufacture and distribute a wide range of screen printing inks and consumables, digital inks, flexographic inks and associated products.

Screen Printing / Stencil Making / Degreasers & Abraders

CPS Degreaser Concentrate

Screen Printing / Stencil Making / Direct Emulsions

Dirasol 125 - Turquoise
Dirasol 25 - Violet
Dirasol 915 - Blue
Dirasol 916 - Deep Blue

Screen Printing / Textile Inks / Foils

Metallic Transfer Foil - 750mm Width

Screen Printing / Screen Making / Glues & Adhesives

Flash-Fix Extra Spray Adhesive
T-Fix Extra Spray Adhesive

Screen Printing / Plastisol Transfers

Multitran Clear Adhesive
Transfer Adhesive Powder

Screen Printing / Screen Reclaiming

CPS Haze Remover Liquid
CPS Screen Wash A6
Sericol Pantone Colour Guide
Series 2: 71-110 Degrees Centigrade

Screen Printing / Graphic Inks / Sericol - Corroplas CP
Fast drying ink for fluted polyolefin sheeting (Corflute).

Corroplas CP - Blackboard Black
Corroplas CP - Overprint Clear

Screen Printing / Textile Inks / Sericol - Nylobag NB
Nylobag gives excellent adhesion when printed directly on to nylon bags as well as many other synthetic and natural fabrics.

Nylobag NB Additives
Nylobag NB Inks
Nylobag NB Solvents
Nylobag NB White

Screen Printing / Graphic Inks / Sericol - Polyplast LN
Polyplast LN EL is a system of lead free inks and overprint varnish designed for long lide outdoor applications on a wide range of flexible and rigid plastics.

Polyplast IN - Black
Polyplast IN - Blue
Polyplast IN - Brilliant Red
Polyplast IN - Cover White
Polyplast IN - Green
Polyplast IN - Magenta
Polyplast IN - Orange
Polyplast IN - Over Print / Mixing Varnish
Polyplast IN Process Cyan
Polyplast IN - Process Yellow
Polyplast IN - Red BS
Polyplast IN - Red YS
Polyplast IN - Reflex Blue
Polyplast IN - Tint Black
Polyplast IN - Tint White
Polyplast IN - Violet
Polyplast IN - White
Polyplast IN - Yellow GS
Polyplast IN - Yellow RS
Polyplast IN Varnish

Screen Printing / Industrial & Specialty Inks / Sericol - Polyscreen PS
Polyscreen PS is a two-pack screen ink combining outstanding resistance to many chemicals and solvents with excellent adhesion to an extensive range of difficult surfaces.

Polyscreen PS - Catalyst

Screen Printing / Textile Inks / Sericol - Texopaque Classic OP
Classic OP is part of the Texopaque Series of direct printing, maximum opacity, plastisol inks designed for printing most natural and synthetic fabrics. Classic OP are conventional plastisol inks.

Classic OP Seritone Red BS/Deep Red
Classic OP Warm Red
Classic OP Yellow
Multipurpose Low Bleed Plastisol White
Texopaque Classic OP Black
Texopaque Classic OP Bright Green
Texopaque Classic OP Extender Base
Texopaque Classic OP Green
Texopaque Classic OP Light Blue
67 Products Found