Film Positive Printers
Screen Printing Equipment / Film Positive Printers
Epson film positive printers using Fotecfoil can be used to create high-quality, solid and halftone films with high UV opacity and exceptional black density. Film positive printers are a cost-effective way for screen printers to bring their film printing in-house, reducing turnaround time for the creation of screens and creating flexibility and control over the film positive creation process.
1 Products Found
Customer Testimonials
Dean, WF PlasticsThanks again for your help along the way Michael. I know it's an almost zero margin sale for you compared to decent sales, so I appreciate you treating it like a decent sale none the less. Very professional.
Janelle @ J-Nells Soy Candles n MeltsFrank was awesome helping me set up my new printer through team view...helped me when i needed it and knew his stuff...Very happy as always with the team from GJS sydney.